UPDATE: the November 2022 election is over and New Yorkers made their choice! This website remains as a historical site for reference only.
The November 2022 election is your chance to consider proposed changes to the New York City Charter—our city’s constitution. How? There are three ballot questions on the back of your ballot that you can vote yes or no on.
Learn more and take the pledge to flip your ballot over when you vote on November 8!
What to Look for ON THE BACK of Your Ballot
New York City residents will find these three ballot questions on the back of their ballot in the November 8, 2022 general election, all geared toward rooting out systemic racism.
Are you registered to vote in New York City? Click below to learn how to register, where to vote, and your rights—like language interpretation.
Add a Statement of Values to Guide Government
The Racial Justice Commission’s first proposal is to Add a Statement of Values to Guide Government. This preamble would embed equity for all New Yorkers in the foundation of our City’s laws and require City officials to be guided by those values in carrying out their governmental functions.
Establish a Racial Equity Office, Plan, and Commission
Establish a Racial Equity Office, Plan, and Commission dedicated to improving racial equity and identifying where the City can work to reduce or eliminate racial disparities.
Measure the True Cost of Living
Require City government to Measure the True Cost of Living to track and report on the actual cost in New York City of meeting essential needs, including housing, food, childcare, transportation, and other necessary costs. The proposed True Cost of Living would be a new measure that moves beyond calculations of poverty and estimates how much it actually costs to live and thrive in New York City.

Help Spread the Word to All New Yorkers
Join our mission to help educate New Yorkers about their opportunity to vote on ballot proposals that reflect the Racial Justice Commission’s vision for racial justice and equity in New York City through Voter Education events.
Helping all New Yorkers learn about these three RJC ballot proposals, understand what difference they can make, and use their vote to say yes or no is the heartbeat of the Racial Justice Commission’s current mission. If you want to participate in our mission, find resources for outreach efforts when you click the button.

Our Vision
The work of uprooting structural racism is not done. While the Commission’s ballot questions will put a new vision for the city to the voters, much more needs to change. Our vision extends beyond these questions New Yorkers will vote yes or no on in the November 2022 election.
Check out our Roadmap for Racial Justice to see our recommendations for every level of government on how to continue the work.